Kaitlin Bennett: Conservative Activist and Journalist

kaitlin bennett

Kaitlin Bennett is an American gun rights activist and conservative social media personality. She made headlines in 2018 by carrying an AR-10 rifle at her Kent State graduation. Bennett has since become a prominent right-wing figure online.

She now works as a correspondent for InfoWars, a controversial website. Bennett also started her own platform called Liberty Hangout. Her pro-gun and pro-life views have made her a well-known conservative voice.

Bennett interviews college students across the United States in a confrontational style. She aims to provoke responses she considers “intolerant” or “nonsensical”. This approach has earned her the title of “roving citizen journalist”.

Key Takeaways

  • Kaitlin Bennett is a conservative activist and social media personality known for her pro-gun and pro-life views.
  • She gained attention for open-carrying an AR-10 rifle during her Kent State University graduation in 2018.
  • Bennett has become a prominent right-wing internet personality, appearing as a correspondent for InfoWars and founding Liberty Hangout.
  • She is known for her confrontational approach to interviewing college students, often provoking them into expressing what she considers “intolerant” or “nonsensical” opinions.
  • Bennett’s presence at political events has been described as a “tired tactic” by some, even within conservative circles.

Early Life and Education of Kaitlin Bennett

Kaitlin Bennett was born on October 15, 1995, in Zanesville, Ohio. She studied at Kent State University, earning a biology degree in May 2018. Bennett led the university’s chapter of Turning Point USA, a conservative youth group.

Turning Point USA Involvement

As the leader of Kent State’s Turning Point USA chapter, Bennett organized events promoting conservative values. She later quit after a member wore a diaper to protest campus safe spaces.

Graduation from Kent State University

Bennett’s graduation from Kent State with a biology degree made headlines. She did a photo shoot on campus carrying an AR-10 rifle. This “Kent State gun girl” incident launched her career as a conservative activist.

Kaitlin Bennett Early Life and Education Details
Birth October 15, 1995, in Zanesville, Ohio
Education Bachelor’s degree in biology from Kent State University (2018)
Turning Point USA Involvement President of Kent State University chapter

“I was the president of Turning Point USA at Kent State, and I resigned from my position after a member of our chapter wore a diaper to protest campus safe spaces.”

The Viral “Kent State Gun Girl” Photo

In 2018, Kaitlin Bennett stirred controversy with her Kent State graduation photo. She posed with an AR-10 rifle in front of the university sign. Bennett argued for open-carry rights on campus, citing the 1970 Kent State shootings.

The “Kent State Gun Girl” image quickly spread on social media. It sparked debates about gun rights and campus safety. Some praised Bennett’s stance, while others found it insensitive to Kent State’s tragic history.

“I have no apologies for my graduation photos. As a woman, I refuse to be a victim & the second amendment ensures that I don’t have to be.”

This photo became a defining moment in Bennett’s public image. It continues to fuel discussions and controversies on various online platforms.

The viral photo cemented Bennett’s status as a polarizing figure. Her vocal gun rights advocacy resonates with some but draws criticism from others. The image’s lasting impact reflects the complex nature of the U.S. gun control debate.

Open Carry Advocacy and Protests

Kent State University Open Carry Rally

Kaitlin Bennett organized an open-carry rally at Kent State University after her initial protest. The university issued a cease and desist order against advertising the event. Bennett hadn’t registered it with the university.

Later that year, Bennett returned to campus to host a discussion on gun rights. Her actions and advocacy for open carry laws have sparked both support and controversy.

Bennett believes the Second Amendment protects her right to self-defense as a woman. Her graduation photo with an assault-style rifle stirred debate across various media platforms.

In 2020, Bennett visited Ohio University for filming. Hundreds of students protested, shouting and throwing drinks at her truck. She left campus soon after.

Bennett claimed she was attacked by a mob. However, the Ohio University Police Department said the incident wasn’t a riot. They stated that officers protected everyone’s rights and safety.

Bennett promised to return with an “army of gun owners” for an open-carry walk. She called on President Trump to defund universities she sees as harboring terrorists.

Ohio University bans concealed carry of guns on campus. The state allows open carry of firearms, with some exceptions.

“I believe the Second Amendment ensures my right to self-defense as a woman, and I’m not afraid to exercise that right.”

– Kaitlin Bennett, gun rights activist and journalist

Affiliation with InfoWars and Media Attention

Kaitlin Bennett became a correspondent for the far-right conspiracy website InfoWars. This affiliation led to her exclusion from a Bernie Sanders campaign event. Bennett’s confrontational approach and pro-gun views continue to generate significant media attention.

InfoWars, run by Alex Jones, sells misinformation and dietary products. The website operates under Free Speech Systems LLC. It promotes conspiracy theories through self-produced videos and documentaries.

Jones rants about New World Order plots and global control by a corporate cabal. He has a large following, with some taking extreme measures. Jones has popularized antigovernment conspiracy theories, defining the InfoWars brand.

“By 2021, Alex Jones’ calls for protests against the Biden presidency played a part in fueling the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.”

Bennett’s link to InfoWars has boosted her media presence. Her bold style and pro-gun stance keep her in the spotlight. She remains a prominent figure in the conservative media landscape.

Kaitlin Bennett

Controversial Interviews and Confrontations

University of Kentucky Interview Backlash

In 2020, clips of Kaitlin Bennett’s 2019 interviews at the University of Kentucky went viral. She questioned students about transgender bathrooms. The videos sparked significant online backlash.

Bennett’s conservative views were on display as she pressed students about gender-neutral facilities. Many accused her of targeting and antagonizing the students. Her approach often involves confrontational tactics to provoke reactions from those with different beliefs.

“The videos, which were originally posted by Liberty Hangout with the title ‘College Students Have No Morals,’ attracted significant online backlash.”

Supporters praised Bennett for challenging students. Critics condemned the university of kentucky interviews as attention-seeking stunts. The incident highlighted the divisive nature of Bennett’s activism.

The backlash underscored the polarizing impact of her methods. Her tactics continue to spark heated debates on college campuses and beyond.

Ohio University Campus Visit Protests

In February 2020, Kaitlin Bennett visited Ohio University to film a President’s Day trivia video. Her appearance sparked a large student protest. About 400 students gathered at the Baker Center to oppose Bennett’s presence.

The Ohio University Police Department reported no injuries or violence during the incident. The university focused on ensuring safety for students and visitors. Bennett’s visit quickly became a trending topic on Twitter.

Bennett claimed the university police refused to help and gave a misleading statement. She gained fame in 2018 for controversial graduation photos with an AR-10 rifle at Kent State University. Bennett said she planned to ask trivia questions before the protests began.

Students threw objects, poured hot coffee, and vandalized a friend’s truck during the confrontation. Bennett hoped President Trump would strip federal funding from the university due to the protests. The police stated the incident didn’t reach riot level.

Bennett plans to return with “an army of gun owners for an open carry walk.” She remains a controversial figure in conservative media.

ohio university campus protests

“We are still receiving phone calls and emails from concerned parents and others critical of the university’s handling of the situation,” said an Ohio University spokesperson.

kaitlin bennett and Liberty Hangout

Kaitlin Bennett founded Liberty Hangout, a website known for its provocative content. In 2016, the site hosted a poll questioning the Holocaust. This act of holocaust denial sparked outrage.

Liberty Hangout began as Young Jeffersonians. It’s now a platform for Bennett’s extreme right-wing views. The controversial website gains attention through Bennett’s confrontational approach.

Bennett often ambushes college students with sensitive questions. Her actions have drawn widespread criticism. This has cast doubt on her credibility as a conservative advocate.

The Holocaust denial incident shows a disregard for historical facts. It aligns with fringe, extremist ideologies. This controversy has damaged Bennett’s reputation as a serious conservative voice.

Bennett’s provocative stunts continue to follow her. They cast doubt on her credibility and positions. Her affiliation with Liberty Hangout cements her status as a controversial figure.

Personal Life and Marriage

Kaitlin Bennett got engaged to Justin Moldow in 2019. Justin founded Liberty Hangout. They met at Kent State University and married in March 2020.

In 2021, Kaitlin announced her conversion to Roman Catholicism. This decision added depth to her public image.

Conversion to Catholicism

Kaitlin’s move to Catholicism surprised many followers. It showed her evolving spiritual beliefs. This change added complexity to her public persona.

Her marriage and religious shift influenced her public profile. These events sparked discussions about her role in conservative politics.

Online Presence and Social Media

Kaitlin Bennett has amassed a large online following. She boasts 293,000 Twitter followers and 154,000 on Instagram. Her social media platforms spread conservative views and interact with supporters.

Bennett’s controversial videos often trend on Twitter. They spark strong reactions from those who disagree with her. Some experts note she lacks traditional journalistic traits.

Bennett admits negative attention boosts her career. She purposely provokes responses on sensitive topics. This tactic amplifies her message, despite the backlash she receives.

Memes mocking Bennett unintentionally boost her visibility. They reinforce her controversial image. Experts suggest ignoring and reporting her content to reduce her influence.

Social Media Platform Follower Count
Twitter 293,000
Instagram 154,000

“While Kaitlin Bennett can be considered a journalist, she lacks the presence and temperament of traditional journalists.”

– Jordan Stalker, DePaul communications professor

Criticism and Controversies

Kaitlin Bennett’s conservative views and pro-gun stance have sparked widespread criticism. Her confrontational approach and ties to extremist groups like InfoWars fuel controversies. Allegations of Holocaust denial linked to Liberty Hangout further intensify public backlash.

Bennett’s viral senior portrait at Kent State University featured her with an AR-10 rifle. This image thrust her into the spotlight as the “Gun Girl.” It ignited debate about open-carry advocacy on college campuses.

Her activism, including open-carry rallies and campus interviews, continues to stir heated reactions. These events often lead to confrontations between Bennett’s supporters and critics. Physical altercations have occurred at various universities, intensifying the controversies.

Controversy Impact
Viral “Gun Girl” Photo Sparked widespread debate and criticism around open-carry advocacy on college campuses
Affiliation with InfoWars Further fueled controversies due to the extremist nature of the organization
Holocaust Denial Allegations Linked to Liberty Hangout, Bennett’s YouTube channel, which has exacerbated public backlash
Confrontations and Protests on College Campuses Led to physical altercations and clashes between Bennett’s supporters and critics

Despite ongoing criticism, Bennett’s influence continues to grow in conservative circles. Her impact on college campuses remains a hot topic. The debate surrounding her content and activism shows no signs of slowing down.


Kaitlin Bennett’s journey as a conservative activist has sparked widespread debate. Her viral “Kent State gun girl” photos and confrontational interviews have made her a polarizing figure. Bennett’s advocacy for gun rights and pro-life stances resonates with conservatives but faces criticism from others.

Bennett’s story reflects the current polarized climate in the United States. Her media outlet, Liberty Hangout, boasts a substantial subscriber count. Her videos have also gained significant attention on social media platforms.

Bennett’s saga highlights the power of individual voice in today’s society. It raises questions about activism, media influence, and responsible discourse. Her story continues to evolve, inviting readers to form their own opinions.


Who is Kaitlin Bennett?

Kaitlin Bennett is an American gun rights activist and conservative social media personality. She made headlines in 2018 for open-carrying an AR-10 rifle at Kent State University. This act came right after her graduation.

What is Kaitlin Bennett’s background?

Kaitlin Bennett was born on October 15, 1995, in Zanesville, Ohio. She graduated from Kent State University with a biology degree in May 2018. At Kent State, she led the university’s chapter of Turning Point USA, a conservative youth group.

What was Kaitlin Bennett’s “Kent State Gun Girl” protest?

In 2018, Bennett posed for her graduation photo holding an AR-10 long gun. She did this in front of the Kent State University sign. Bennett argued that students should be allowed to open-carry firearms for self-defense on campus.

What is Kaitlin Bennett’s advocacy for open carry?

After her Kent State protest, Bennett became a vocal supporter of open carry laws. She organized an open-carry rally at the university, despite opposition. Later, she returned to campus to host a discussion on gun rights.

What is Kaitlin Bennett’s involvement with InfoWars?

Bennett became a correspondent for InfoWars, a far-right conspiracy website, after her Kent State protest. Her link to this extremist site led to her exclusion from a Bernie Sanders campaign event.

What controversies have Kaitlin Bennett been involved in?

Bennett’s confrontational style and pro-gun views have sparked many controversies. In 2020, her 2019 interviews with University of Kentucky students drew backlash online. Her visit to Ohio University in 2020 also led to clashes with student protesters.

What is Kaitlin Bennett’s connection to Liberty Hangout?

Bennett founded Liberty Hangout, a website known for its provocative content. In 2016, the site posted an article denying the Holocaust. This further added to Bennett’s controversial public image.

What is Kaitlin Bennett’s personal life?

In 2019, Bennett got engaged to Justin Moldow, who started Liberty Hangout. They married in March 2020. Bennett announced her conversion to Roman Catholicism in 2021.

How active is Kaitlin Bennett on social media?

Bennett has a strong online presence with 293,000 Twitter followers and 154,000 on Instagram. She uses these platforms to share her conservative views and interact with supporters and critics.

What are the main criticisms and controversies surrounding Kaitlin Bennett?

Bennett’s outspoken conservative views and pro-gun stance have drawn much criticism. Her ties to extremist groups like InfoWars have fueled more controversy. The Holocaust denial allegations linked to Liberty Hangout have also added to her contentious public image.

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